Notes, Found Fun Kelly Bennett Notes, Found Fun Kelly Bennett

The Truth About Visitors

Visitors use towels, dirty dishes, take up space, have the nerve to claim the TV clicker . . .basically wreak havoc on routine. And more...

. . . If were lucky that is!

After having a home in New York for more than 3 years, I could name the sights on my way to and from the grocery, post office, hardware store & the airport exits. . .  I was especially familiar with the view from my desk chair. And since we're being truthful, with the view from the fridge to the TV. . .  I had a drawer full of New York/Long Island "Sights to See" Guides but had never cracked the spines. 

Then the visitor came! 

The visitor was framly (friend-so-long-they're-family) John from Tulsa. John and I, almost 30 years ago, worked together. We were both restaurant cooks. Our working relationship spread from kitchen work, to raising kids, gardening, decorating, painting, unpacking, packing. We work well together and have fun while we work. Our motto is: 

Crank up the music and get er done! 

Without apologizing, I'll admit how, in anticipation of John's visit, I looked around at my house, at the columns of boxes needed to be unpacked, at the stacks of pictures waiting to be hung, and the cupboards waiting to be organized, at the wallpaper waiting to be hung, and practically salivating. Imagine what John and I could accomplish this week!

And even though John was using one of his two-only weeks of vacation to come and visit, he wouldn't have minded one bit. In fact, I know he would have loved it! (He's that kind . . . )

Still. . . as enticing as the thought of all we could accomplish was, instead we:

Walked and walked and walked the city, discovering wonders like this Zipper Graffiti

Walked and walked and walked the city, discovering wonders like this Zipper Graffiti

Hunkered under a nut vendor's umbrella during a rain shower, then finally broke down--after we were soaked--and bought umbrellas.  

Hunkered under a nut vendor's umbrella during a rain shower, then finally broke down--after we were soaked--and bought umbrellas.  

Toured Radio City Music Hall--and sneaked snaps of Tony Award rehearsal through the camera room window. Then, come Sunday night, glued ourselves to the TV with take-away dinner to watch the show because "we were there"!

Toured Radio City Music Hall--and sneaked snaps of Tony Award rehearsal through the camera room window. Then, come Sunday night, glued ourselves to the TV with take-away dinner to watch the show because "we were there"!

Braved the long and winding line at The Original Shake Shack. Which shake should we try? 

Braved the long and winding line at The Original Shake Shack. Which shake should we try? 

Took turns playing "photographer" with Russian tourists at Rockefeller Center--while pretending not to speak English

Took turns playing "photographer" with Russian tourists at Rockefeller Center--while pretending not to speak English

Before I knew it, I notices my mind drifting back to my stories. The "What ifs" and "I could trys" were popping, snapping, pinging and zinging in my noggin. At a level I hadn't experienced since first beginning on this writing journey, I found myself wanting to get to work. I even pulled out my cell phone to jot some story notes. 

Sniffed spices and filched samples at Grand Central Station Marketplace

Sniffed spices and filched samples at Grand Central Station Marketplace

And even bought souvenirs 

And even bought souvenirs


Played with Dots pillows--even though we knew we'd get in trouble-- in Dylan's Candy Store

Played with Dots pillows--even though we knew we'd get in trouble-- in Dylan's Candy Store

Sat at Meg Ryan's infamous "Sleepless in Seattle" table at Katz's Deli (with the bossiest, grouchiest staff in the world!)

Sat at Meg Ryan's infamous "Sleepless in Seattle" table at Katz's Deli (with the bossiest, grouchiest staff in the world!)

Note one, but two tours of the Tenement Museum, and walked the streets, and explored the gift shop . . . 

Note one, but two tours of the Tenement Museum, and walked the streets, and explored the gift shop . . . 

And finished with a Frozen Hot Chocolate at Serendipity 3--because of that scene in the movie . . . 

And finished with a Frozen Hot Chocolate at Serendipity 3--because of that scene in the movie . . . 

Julia Cameron, discusses the importance of taking ones' self on "artist dates" in her 12 Step Guide to Creative Recovery, The Artist's Way. She believes these dates to be so restorative, she prescribes them weekly as a vital component of the recovery process. 

As prescribed, I've taken myself on Artist Dates. However, as with gym time, spa time, dentist visits, and other "good for you" scheduled events, regardless how enjoyable,  I tend to rush through Artist Dates to art stores, playgrounds, museums and the like. After,  I tick them off like just another chore on the list and more on. 

When the Newark Express pulled away last evening, I was sad to see John leaving.

When the Newark Express pulled away last evening, I was sad to see John leaving.

At the same time I was bubbly, energized and excited to get back to writing. Why?

When we were kids and acting fussy. Not naughty, but that sort of irritating, pestery, whiney baby-ish, my folks would send us outside. "Let them play it out," they'd say. As though, by playing hard, we could use up, expel our peevishness. 

Artist Dates can be inspirational, informative, restorative even. But let's face it, they aren't necessarily fun. On the otherhand, Play Dates are fun. What the heck? We are writing for children + We are trying to tap into our inner children + Play Dates are fun = Maybe you do need to stay focused, keep your butt in the chair, approach writing as seriously as every other career. But, but, every now and again, especially when we're feeling peevish, we need to get out there and play! 

The truth about visitors is: Visitors visit to have fun. They want to play. And, unless they visit when we're away, they come looking for a playmate. Sure, we can do our best to stick to "business as usual" when we have visitors. But why?  

Playmate! Come out and play with me/And bring your dollies, three/climb up my apple tree . . . 

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Found Fun Kelly Bennett Found Fun Kelly Bennett

Mama's a CA Chromaniac

Mama has a brand new bag: she's a CA Chromaniac! In anticipation of the Belmont Stakes, Mom sent a packet of newspaper clipping of California Chrome along with a check and instructions to "Bet it to Win!"

Racing Form in hand, Curtis lines up at the Betting Window

Racing Form in hand, Curtis lines up at the Betting Window

Truth is, Curtis & I started this latest of Mom's obsessions by attending Kentucky Derby weekend 2014.

Who knew, when we donned our fancy hats and duds that was the beginning of CA Chromania! 


So, as we await the running of the Belmont Stakes--and California Chrome's shot at the Triple Crown and diamond-crusted path to stud infamy--it seems fitting to recount highlights from our Derby 2014 Experience: 

Look, Mom! I placed the bet!

Look, Mom! I placed the bet!

Since 1931, the order of Triple Crown races has been the Kentucky Derby first, followed by the Preakness Stakes, and then the Belmont Stakes. . .

To date, 289 horses have won a single leg of the Triple Crown, 52 horses have won two of the races, and 11 horses have won all three races. Pillory won both the Preakness Stakes and Belmont Stakes in 1922, a year when it was impossible to win the Triple Crown because the Kentucky Derby and Preakness Stakes were run on the same day.
                Mom's betting that after today's race, I'll be able to name another: California Chrome!

                Mom's betting that after today's race, I'll be able to name another: California Chrome!

Joy decorated her "Roses" bathroom for Derby Weekend

Joy decorated her "Roses" bathroom for Derby Weekend



The Kentucky Derby is all about tradition. We were especially fortunate to be guided through our first Derby weekend experience by veterans, Joy & Donna, both Louisville natives whose Derby history stretches back 30 plus years.



Michael led the way into Churchill Downs . . . 

Michael led the way into Churchill Downs . . . 

Note the gallon ziplock bags Michael is carrying!

There are rows of booths selling all manor of food on both race days, but locals traditionally bring in their own. Joy and Donna's specialty, and a Derby tradition: sandwiches with a cucumber-cream cheese spread called  Benedictine

Donna stopped to pose with a a pair Pinked up for The Oaks--her personal tradition! The Oaks is run the Friday before the Derby. As Derby Day has attracted more "tourists" and become more expensive, locals prefer The Oaks. 

Donna stopped to pose with a a pair Pinked up for The Oaks--her personal tradition! The Oaks is run the Friday before the Derby. As Derby Day has attracted more "tourists" and become more expensive, locals prefer The Oaks. 

Our  box for Derby Day was right at the finish line. 

Our  box for Derby Day was right at the finish line. 

Tony Danza walking his horse, "Danza" to the starting gate. Danza ran 3rd in the Kentucky Derby (Tony Danza doens't own the horse, it's named after him.)

Tony Danza walking his horse, "Danza" to the starting gate. Danza ran 3rd in the Kentucky Derby (Tony Danza doens't own the horse, it's named after him.)

Before races, attendees gather at the stables to check out the horses. 

Before races, attendees gather at the stables to check out the horses. 

"The Derby" is really 2 days of racing. The Oaks is held on Derby Friday; the Kentucky Derby on Saturday. “The Oaks,” so they say, has gained in popularity with locals as The Derby has become more commercial and more expensive. Too, “The Oaks” is a fundraising event, for Breast Cancer research and awareness and most folks dress in pink. 

The Oaks is a charity race day to raise funds and awareness for breast cancer:  It is all about the hats, too. And most every one wears pink.  (I have pink on underneath my sweater, really (It was freezing at parts of the day)

The Oaks is a charity race day to raise funds and awareness for breast cancer:  It is all about the hats, too. And most every one wears pink.  (I have pink on underneath my sweater, really (It was freezing at parts of the day)

Pink Lily is the traditional Oaks drink                           Mint Juleps are the traditional Derby drink

Pink Lily is the traditional Oaks drink                           Mint Juleps are the traditional Derby drink

A portion of the sale of each Pink Lily goes to charity: Bright Pink and Horses for Hope. We donated of course!

No clue if/what Moet Chandon donated, but we supported that, too!

No clue if/what Moet Chandon donated, but we supported that, too!

Let's hope the Cigar proceeds were donated, too!

Let's hope the Cigar proceeds were donated, too!

Kentucky Derby day was bright--so we posed at the finish line between races. L-R: Michael, Aaron, Joy, Donna, Kelly & Curtis

Kentucky Derby day was bright--so we posed at the finish line between races. L-R: Michael, Aaron, Joy, Donna, Kelly & Curtis

It’s really Derby “week” with events including steamboat races, parades, parties, etc. culminating in two days of horse races. Those we all know of “The Derby,” locals favor Saturday’s event, “The Oaks.”

Here's Aaron with Lee. Tradition and convenience demands they always park at the same place: Ms. Lee's house.

Lee's made Derby Weekend a business. She turns her yard--front and back into a parking lot, and blocks off as many street spots as she can. 

She used to cook for both The Oaks and The Derby, but now Lee only cooks on Derby Day. Her specialty is greens, beans & ham. 

The Rule is:

No matter what, Meet back at Lee's!

We met up at Lee's then walked the 2 blocks to Churchill Downs. L-R: Kelly, Joy, Donna, Eileen, Leah's friend & Leah (Donna's daughter)

We met up at Lee's then walked the 2 blocks to Churchill Downs. L-R: Kelly, Joy, Donna, Eileen, Leah's friend & Leah (Donna's daughter)

Almost time: At 6:52 EDST the Belmont Stakes starts. The horses are making their way to the starting gates. Mama's watching!

                                           COME ON CALIFORNIA CHROME!!!   

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Found Fun Kelly Bennett Found Fun Kelly Bennett

Rumors Run Rampant

 As if life isn't exciting enough, . .  when I checked my email, this jumped out at me:

Kelly is this alarming post about you true?

And this:

Harmful and damaging events from your past may have surfaced . . .

Then this:

Things don’t look good for you Kelly
— Charlie???

                                                                             "DANGER! Will Robinson . . . "

Kelly, Deleterious Post About You About To Be Published
— Michal P.

I clicked over immediately. Horror of horrors! Could it be that someone is spreading rumors about little ole me? 

+++++ Potentially Upsetting Information Posted About You ++++ ===========================================================================

Alert: JJ-P-1904127903

Kelly negative events from your recent past may have been posted to your online file
— Reputation Notice (2)

Someone is TRASH TALKING me!!!! Who? . . . Of all the nerve! . . . What were they saying???

You know I was temped to follow the link.  Who doesn't want to know what they --those busy-bodies--are saying about us?

Of course, I know better . . .  (But it was on my mind)

Haven't. . . (Maybe it wasn't even about me. There are lots of people with my that basketball coach. . . and that realtor--)

Yet . . .

But then I got to thinking: That's what they want. For me to follow that link, right?

There are no doubt scads of folks out there who do follow the link. Where does it take them? What horrors are waiting at the bottom of that particular rabbit hole?

or . . . OR . . . (That niggly curious cat voice is what gets us. . . ) 

Sure, I know it's a ploy to get me to click on that link, leading to some sight. But, what if there's a really great PRIZE I missing out on by not following the link???  

To think there are people out there who spend countless hours coming up with ways to SPAM us. What if these same folks applied their considerable creative talents to real problems, To paraphrase Dr. Suess, Oh the things they could think!

What did I do? . . . What didn't I do? . . .  Does he-she-it like me? . . . What do they know? . . . 

What did I do? . . . What didn't I do? . . .  Does he-she-it like me? . . . What do they know? . . . 

That got me thinking. Here's my thought: Let's give them something to talk about


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Found Fun Kelly Bennett Found Fun Kelly Bennett

Wind Wishes for Earth Day

It's Earth Day! Let's Celebrate with Wind Wishes!

When our friend, Joy, moved away, the gals in our creativity group, wrote hopes for her and tied them to a tree to wish her well.

When our friend, Joy, moved away, the gals in our creativity group, wrote hopes for her and tied them to a tree to wish her well.

How To Make Wind Wishes:

Cut the paper into strips at least 1 inch wide and between 6 and 24 inches long. Vary the length and width of the paper strips. Try not to cut the strips too narrow or they will tear.

Write one wish for the earth on each strip of paper. These wishes might be hopes you have for our earth’s future or for the earth’s creatures.

Punch a whole in one end of each paper strip.

Lace string or yarn through the whole in the paper strip and tie a knot.

Tie the wishes to the branches of a tree, or onto a fence and watch them flutter in the wind.

Wind Wishes on a School Fence blowing in the breeze

Wind Wishes on a School Fence blowing in the breeze


Strips of paper (used bags, construction, wrapping)
String or yarn
Something to write with (pens, crayons, water-based markers or paint)

*Please don’t use plastic, foil, beads, glitter, or other materials that will not decompose and might be harmful to animals and birds.

These Earth Day wind wishes will fade, and the paper will decompose. Birds and squirrels will use the bits of string and paper to build nests.

Prayer flags in Kathmandu, 

Prayer flags in Kathmandu, 

By our deeds throughout the coming year, let's strive to make these wishes come true!





Thanks for reading!

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Found Fun, Inspiration, Writing & Writers Kelly Bennett Found Fun, Inspiration, Writing & Writers Kelly Bennett

A Whimsical Reminder on an Icy Day

Sometimes, especially when it's hard going, we wonder why we do it. And then, on a ordinary morning comes a whimsical reminder . . . 

 . . . Or See the Marks of Tiny Feet . . .  

 . . . Or See the Marks of Tiny Feet . . .  

In a In a great big wood in a great big tree, there’s the nicest little house that could possibly be.
There’s a tiny little knocker on the tiny little door, and a tiny little carpet on the tiny little floor.
There’s a tiny little table, and a tiny little bed, and a tiny little pillow for a tiny weeny head;
A tiny little blanket, and a tiny little sheet, and a tiny water bottle (hot) for tiny little feet.
A tiny little eiderdown; a tiny little chair; and a tiny little kettle for the owner (when he’s there.)
In a tiny little larder there’s a tiny thermos bottle for a tiny little greedy man who knows the Woods Of Pottle
There’s a tiny little peg for a tiny little hat and a tiny little dog and a tiny little cat.

If you’ve got a little house and you keep it spic and span,
Perhaps there’ll come to live in it a tiny little man You may not ever see him, he is extremely shy;
But if you find a crumpled sheet -
Or pins upon the window seat -
Or see the marks of tiny feet -
You’ll know the reason why.
— "A Little House" by Elizabeth Godley (Published in THE TALL BOOK OF MAKE BELIEVE)

I never wanted that "tiny little man" to come live in my "little house" (that felt a little creepy . . . ) But I so wanted to find a little house like his. 

                                                                    One of the …

                                                                    One of the Fairy Houses created during Barb's workshop. 

Snaps of the Fairy Houses created during Author, Bee Keeper, Fairy House Creator, Barb Crispin's Bees Knees Workshop brought that poem--

and those feelings of wonderment and delight that that tiny house might actually be--flooding back. 

The Power of Words

To see more of Barb's whimsical, wonderful Fairy Houses, click over to Crispin Apiary's Facebook page


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Found Fun Kelly Bennett Found Fun Kelly Bennett

Countdown to the Argus: There's still time to back out . . .

We didn't sign the pledge. The night before the 2011 Argus, the world's largest timed cycle race, they passed around a pledge sheet stating that everyone named below would ride the Argus in 2014 in honor of our friend, Charles Uncle John who turned 80 this year. 

2011 Argus: Waiting at the Starting Line: Charles's cousin Robert, Kelly, Uncle John (76), & Curtis

2011 Argus: Waiting at the Starting Line: Charles's cousin Robert, Kelly, Uncle John (76), & Curtis

Uncle John, along with his sons and Charles's brothers and family have been riding the Argus, for years.

We didn't sign the pledge:

But we're here. . .  We arrived yesterday afternoon. Registered. And tonight after lunch at Uncle John and his wife, Marie's house (along with the whole family and all the riders in the group). The family presented Uncle John with the pledge and photos framed. (Just in case I'd forgotten, I checked: we really didn't sign.) Uncle John had special team shirts made for us all. (Photo coming soon).

                                 A Casual Sunday Ride 109 K Along the Coast with 35,000 o…

                                 A Casual Sunday Ride 109 K Along the Coast with 35,000 of our closest, cyclist friends

We didn't sign the pledge: Curtis and I were nervous as to whether, after not riding bikes for 7 years--I mean not even pedaling casually--we could finish a hilly 109 kilometer ride.

We didn't sign the pledge. Yet, here we are smiling and happy with our Argus registration bag in hand.

We didn't sign the pledge. Yet, here we are smiling and happy with our Argus registration bag in hand.

Especially as Capetown, South Africa is a far ways to go for a bike ride, we couldn't imagine we'd come back for it.

Starting Line for the 2011 Argus (we're there somewhere.)

Starting Line for the 2011 Argus (we're there somewhere.)

We didn't sign the pledge.

Now, 7 hours, 56 minutes, 8 seconds to race time, our riding gear is laid out. The bottles of energy water are filled and chilling. We're all in bed, to sleep....yeah right.

And I am older and less fit that I was then. . .

And my knee is wonky . . .

And the wind is howling . . .

We didn't sign the pledge, so then, why???

Here's the ARGUS 2014 Route Map

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Inspiration, Found Fun Kelly Bennett Inspiration, Found Fun Kelly Bennett

A Valentine Flaneur & Random Kindness

One day it happens, you begin to make Valentine's and slide into a story, "Once, back when we had gas rationing..."

Back in my day gasoline was 20 cents a gallon... and I used to have to walk 7 miles uphill to get to school...

Back in my day gasoline was 20 cents a gallon... and I used to have to walk 7 miles uphill to get to school...

And then realize the people you are telling the story to weren't alive to remember gas rationing. Your memories--in this case mine--are now officially  "HISTORICAL" (fiction or memoir depending). 

It's Valentine's Day, one of my favorite holiday/workdays. So rather than clicking away as I ought, I'm playing. Last night I wrote out valentines, first thing this morning I sent them, and then made valentines using kindergarten scissors.

(The kind with rubber grips and rounded ends.) 

(The kind with rubber grips and rounded ends.) 

While valentine-ing, I let myself flaneur (sounds so much less aged than my mind wandered). 

Remember back when you were in school? How exciting Valentine's Day was? During art, we'd make our Valentine holders.

Which was fun, but not easy...cutting all those straight lines, making sure the lobes of the hearts were the same size.

Which was fun, but not easy...cutting all those straight lines, making sure the lobes of the hearts were the same size.

This made me think of Ramona trying so hard to cut out her paperbag owl. 

So I had to pull out my copy and reread a bit...

So I had to pull out my copy and reread a bit...

After-school sessions spent selecting the best valentine for each classmate.

valentine 2.jpg
These are the Valentine's we gave in my day. They came in boxes of 24. Which posed huge problems in classes of 27

These are the Valentine's we gave in my day. They came in boxes of 24. Which posed huge problems in classes of 27

These are Norman's Favorite Valentines-- And a downloadable kit to make them.

These are Norman's Favorite Valentines-- And a downloadable kit to make them.

Painstakingly deciding who would get which? Then signing them. . . Do I sign with love? Or your friend? Or just my name?

How, at the designated time we'd scurry around slipping our favors into each others bag or box.

  Did you ever not get a valentine?

 Or receive a surprise valentine?  


Lexi prefers hers to be goldfish. (If you've eaten too many this photo will appear blurry.) 

Lexi prefers hers to be goldfish. (If you've eaten too many this photo will appear blurry.) 

The first gift my hubby, then boyfriend, ever gave me was earrings for Valentine's Day--a risky move considering we hadn't been dating very long. (They are still my favorites--just for that reason.)

He was quite a bit older when we started dating that he is in this photo!

He was quite a bit older when we started dating that he is in this photo!

Fittingly, this Valentine week our yoga intention is Kindness. Catherine passed around these Kindness Cards to commemorate it.

Click on the ReThink Happiness Movement link below to get a card and see what kindnesses others have experienced.

Click on the ReThink Happiness Movement link below to get a card and see what kindnesses others have experienced.

The idea is to do a random act of kindness and leave a card saying so. Each card has a number and the recipient can click on the website and register the kindness—then take a turn at doing a kindness and passing on the card and so on and so on... into a hopefully happier, definitely more interesting world.

It was the KINDNESS CARD that started me down this road. I bought my first car during gas rationing. On one of my days to fill up (I was an even).

Mine was way cooler with a racing stripe and luggage rack.

Mine was way cooler with a racing stripe and luggage rack.

After idling my way to the gas pump, I filled up my car and joined the queue to pay up. 

Back then the gas pumps didn't have credit card machines built right in. 

Back then the gas pumps didn't have credit card machines built right in. 

How long ago was "back then"? It was soooo long ago, our T.V was black and white, programs only showed on 2 channels and every midnight an Indian in full regalia cried while the Star Spangled Banner played and the flag waved.

How long ago was "back then"? It was soooo long ago, our T.V was black and white, programs only showed on 2 channels and every midnight an Indian in full regalia cried while the Star Spangled Banner played and the flag waved.

When I finally reached the payment window, the clerk said: "No Charge"
"What do you mean, No Charge?"

Seems some guy had paid for my gas. A Random Act of Kindness. 

And even though, sometime later I discovered that "guy" had been my grandfather. That feeling of unexpected kindness stayed--a sparkle. 

                                                      A heart full of Valentines ready to be passed out!

                                                      A heart full of Valentines ready to be passed out!

That sparkle flickered and popped during my Valentine making session. I stuffed my purse with valentines and willy-nilly passed them around. Made me as happy as Mr. Hatch.


                                                                      Remember Mr. Hatch?

If you don't, take 11.5 minutes, cozy up, click over to hear Hector Elizondo read this oh-how-I-wish-I-had-written-it picture book. If you do, give yourself a Valentine treat and listen again. Just click on the title


Treat someone--and yourself, too---kindly!

Happy Valentines Day! 

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Announcements, Found Fun Kelly Bennett Announcements, Found Fun Kelly Bennett

Shameless Promotion: Truths Revealed

She--Suzanne Santillan--the sweet, dulcet-toned author of Grandma's Pear Tree-- twisted my arm, held my fingers to the fire, threatened and cajoled and finally I cracked. . . 

Truth time: I did not create any of the clever, brilliant, fun, educational  Teaching Guides, Activities, Crafts, Puzzles, Story Hours Kits you'll find if you click on the Activities Tab. 

Behind the curtain, I work with a dynamic talented team who deserve to be acknowledged and shared and receive heaps of thanks and praise for all their efforts.

 So at Suzanne's urging, I spilled the  4-1-1 on the how, who, and where's of my promotional material on Writing on the Sidewalk.

(One of the few blogs I follow. Although Sue and co-blogger Sarah say it's procrastinating, their posts are informative, entertaining and thought provoking, especially to writers and readers. But now that I think about it, maybe the procrastination …

(One of the few blogs I follow. Although Sue and co-blogger Sarah say it's procrastinating, their posts are informative, entertaining and thought provoking, especially to writers and readers. But now that I think about it, maybe the procrastination they were talking about when they said that was mine...ours????)

Back to Business! About those creative minds behind the Teaching Guides, Activities, Crafts, Puzzles and Story Hours Kit for my picture books: If you're wondering who they are? What they do? And if they'll do it for you? Click over and read for yourself: Writing on the SidewalkHow to Create Great Promo Material- Tips and Tricks from Author Kelly Bennett (If the link doesn't work, cut and paste this:

Heaps of thanks! 

While you're at it, check out Suzanna's book. It won the Golden Moonbeam Award and is dee-lightful!

While you're at it, check out Suzanna's book. It won the Golden Moonbeam Award and is dee-lightful!

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