Poetry Challenge #225 This One's for the Birds

Click off those inside noises, pop your head outside and take a listen. Listen to the birds!

Happy Bird Day! (Jan 5th)* Different species of birds sing very different songs with different sounds and rhythms. Here are some birds and their songs (in human speak):

 Chestnut-sided warbler: pleased, pleased, pleased to meet you

Whippoorwill: whip-poor-will

Chickadee: chick-a-dee-dee-dee

Common Yellowthroat: Witchity, witchity, witchity

Red-winged Blackbird: konklaree.

Ovenbird: Teacher, teacher, teacher

American Bittern: bloonk-a-doonk

Barred Owl: Who cooks for you?

Poetry Challenge #225

One For the Birds

Pick a bird from the list above (or find your own) and write a poem using the rhythm of that bird’s song. Your poem can be about a bird, or it could be the bird’s thoughts.

Set Your Timer for 7 Minutes

Start Writing!

Don’t Think About it, just do it! Tweet Tweet!

*Established in 2002, National Bird Day, established by Born Free USA with Avian Welfare Coalition, it’s a day to promote avian awareness—and the harsh reality that “nearly 12 percent of the world’s almost 10,000 bird species are in danger of extinction.” So . . . what can we do???? 

Plant 2/3rd for the Birds! What you grow in the garden can make a difference!” Here’s more at 234birds.org

Cindy Faughnan and I began this 7-Minute Poetry Challenge 2000+ days ago. Now we take turns creating prompts to share with you. Our hope is that creatives—children & adults—will use our prompts as springboards to word play time. If you join us in the Challenge, let us know by posting the title, a note, or if you want, the whole poem in the comments.

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