Poetry Challenge #254-Love is Kind

Because, as evidenced by our daily dose of news, kindness must be a learned behavior, July 27th has been designated National Love is Kind Day, a day set aside to “encourages you to become aware of how you are treating people, how people are treating you, and how you can become emboldened, supported, and empowered to lead the joyful and productive life.”

Poetry Challenge #254

Love Is Kind

 Write an echo verse with “Love is Kind” as the theme.

An Echo Verse is one in which the last word or syllable in a line is repeated on the next line. In essence, that last word/sound is “echoed underneath to form a rhyming line, normally ending as the last line being the title to the poem.”

Below is an example of an Echo Poem YoungWriters.com.

Read it aloud and listen for the echo:

Set the theme of “Love is Kind” in your mind. Then, when you’re ready to begin:

Set Your Timer for 7 Minutes

Start Writing!

Don’t Think About it, just do it!

After all, every day—especially on Love is Kind Day—What the World Needs Now is Love Sweet Love by Burt Bacharach! Hit it Dionne!

Cindy Faughnan and I began this 7-Minute Poetry Challenge 2000+ days ago. Now we take turns creating prompts to share with you. Our hope is that creatives—children & adults—will use our prompts as springboards to word play time. If you join us in the Challenge, let us know by posting the title, a note, or if you want, the whole poem in the comments.

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