Poetry Challenge #289-Once More With Feeling

There are so many quotes about revision, it leads one to wonder if dreaming up pithy things to say about revision is a classic way to avoid revision…

But, not this time!

I am 99.9 % positive that nothing has been published that has never been revised.

And so it’s time…

long past time….

Take a deep breath, take out a happy colored pen (or sharpen that Ticonderoga), and let’s get to it!

Poetry Challenge #289

Once More With Feeling

Pull out a fistful of poems you’ve written as a result of these 7-minute Poetry Prompts or otherwise.

Set a timer for one (or two) minute(s).

Skim through your last few poems, looking for a word or phrase that you like. If possible, find more than one! Circle it/them.

Set your timer for six minutes (seven if you’re generous). Write the word(s) or phrase(s) you collected into a new poem.

Start Writing!

Don’t Think About it, Revise it!

Cindy Faughnan and I began this 7-Minute Poetry Challenge 2400+ days ago. Now we take turns creating prompts to share with you. Our hope is that creatives—children & adults—will use our prompts as springboards to word play time. If you join us in the Challenge, let us know by posting the title, a note, or if you want, the whole poem in the comments.

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