Homer for Jackson!...Giveaway Report
The best part of the Winner-Winner Chicken Dinner Giveaway is—the PRIZE Giving Part!
And the Summer 2023 prize was one hum-dinger!
As you might recall, a second-grader named Jackson won this past quarter.
How did Jackson enter the Winner-Winner Chicken Dinner Give-Away?
I’m glad you asked. An adult in his family posted this picture of Jackson holding The House That Ruth Built on my Facebook page.
In September, in a completely random drawing, Jackson’s name was pulled from a bucket. (To watch a replay of the drawing click to Kelly Bennett Books YouTube Channel)
Get this! Out of all the prizes he could have chosen, Jackson picked a virtual author visit for his 2nd Grade Class at Sue Park Broadway Elementary School in Spring, Texas.
Talk About Surprised!
Thanks to Jackson’s teacher, Ms. Kara Carpenter, who rearranged their busy schedule, I didn’t simply zoom with her class—I actually zoomed into the school. In person!
Noooooooooo I did just stand up there reading to myself. . .
Ms. Carpenter’s 2nd graders were seated on the floor—up front and center—asking questions and helping to remind Vampire Baby:
“Tootie! No Bite!”
And the class asked great questions!
We talked about where story ideas come from.
We talked about hobbies, and poetry and BASEBALL
…And how my families love of baseball and one of the 7-MINUTE CHALLENGE poetry prompts—posted each week on my blog “The Fishbowl” became a book—and more are in the works.
I talked about how stories become books…
“7 Times! Have you ever had to redo your homework 7 times?
You can’t see it—because Ms. Carpenter’s 2nd Graders are hidden by the desks—they are all shaking their heads—really hard—Homework 7 times!!!
And at the end of the visit Jackson passed bookmarks out to everyone and as a thank you Ms. Carpenter’s classroom has their very own copy of my new non-fiction picture book: The House That Ruth Built
Jackson really did hit a homer—an author visit for his homeroom that is!
And so did I! I had a delightful time doing what I love best—chatting writing, reading, books with kiddos!
Big thanks to Jackson and his 2nd grade teacher Ms. Carpenter for making it happen!
Before I left Jackson asked:
“Can I enter the Giveaway again!"
My answer: “YES!!!!”
And you can too!
The Winner’s Choice Giveaway happens—you guessed it: Four Times a Year!
That means 4-count them-1-2-3-4 drawings each year.
How often can you enter? As often as you like! And get this . . .
Enter now, enter often, even better—have your kids, students, second-cousin on your goldfish’s side enter.
There is no limit to how many times you enter—or WIN the Quarterly Winner-Choice Giveaway!
Find the Complete Quarterly Winner-Choice Giveaway details here!
#familius #baberuth #sueparkbroadwayelementary #giveaway #notnorman #picturebooks #readingisfun