who + what + how = a better world
Someone, sometime back told me the difference between an Optimist and a Pessimist's view of an event.
“An Optimist is never surprised and always disappointed. Whereas, a Pessimist is never disappointed and always surprised.”
That definition bugs the heck out of me. It makes being an Optimist feel like a sorry state of being. Why? Because of that word "Surprise."
Who doesn't love a surprise?
Who doesn't like to be surprised?
I can not tell you how many times I've pondered it, wondering if being one or the other is wiser. My conclusion: Even if I am sometimes disappointed, I would rather be optimistic. To that end, I'd like to share with you one of the most inspiring things I do for myself each day.
TED Talk
TED Talks are short--15ish minute long--presentations by dynamic doers, thinkers, speakers sharing ideas on a huge range of topics of global interest. Contrary to most other talking we hear, Ted Talks are informative, interesting and almost always positive. Those I have listened to feature people trying to make our world through science, social interaction, literature & art, better. I've listed a few of my favorites below. For a complete list of talks click here: TED Talk Topics
Parents, Teacher, Librarians:There are also TED Talks for Kids!
TED Talks are FREE!
You can watch TED Talks on your phone, Ipad, Computer, or listen to them on your commute (although I must mention that many include visuals worth seeing, so some things do get lost with audio-only.)
What is TED?
“TED is a global community, welcoming people from every discipline and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the world. We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and, ultimately, the world.”
Get this! There is even a TED Prize! (I just learned about this incredible Million Dollar prize!) "The TED Prize is awarded annually to a leader with a creative, bold wish to spark global change. By investing $1 million in a powerful idea every year, the TED Prize accelerates progress toward solving some of the world's most pressing problems."
“The heart of the TED Prize is the wish. It’s worth investing time to refine it and push it further. At its most basic, a wish is: who + what + how = a better world. Who are you going to engage? On what issue, and in what way? For what kind of impact?”
Winner of the 2017 TED Prize is Dr. Raj Panjabi, Founder and CEO of Last Mile Health, most notable for his work on the ebola virus. Dr. Panjabi's wish is to train locals to provide heathcare in remote communities. I couldn't find a TED Talk by Dr. Panjabi yet, but he will be revealing his plans for fulfilling his wish at a TED conference in April.
And, to hear past winners of the TED Prize and be inspired and excited by them and their WISH, click!
It begins with a Wish! Don't you love that? A Wish for our planet! A Wish for humanity! A Wish for a cure! For a solution! A Wish for the future!
That "difference" between Optimists and Pessimists noted above, might be true. Maybe Pessimists are surprised more often--surprised by what Optimists dare to WISH!
Cue Jiminy Cricket: "For when you wish upon a star your dreams come true..."
A Better World Playlist:
- Ryan Gravel, "How An Old Loop Of Railroad..."
- Elizabeth Gilbert, "Your Elusive Creative Genius."
- Shane Koyzcan, "To This Day...for the bullied and the beautiful."
- 31 Days of Ideas from TED