Fighting the Hard Fight
What inspires: Fighting the Hard Fight! (Especially when it's one many want to ignore because “it’s not my problem...")
Sister-Writer-Friend, Marilyn Bennett, and Rev. Gil Caldwell, collaborationist in Truth in Progress, a multi-media project dealing with issues of race, sexual orientation, and religion are taking to the road:
The FAIR is FAIR in Montana Tour begins Saturday, September 17, 2011, in Billings, Montana.
FAIR is FAIR is a six-city tour through the state to organize support for relationship recognition. Truth in Progress has joined forces with the ACLU of Montana to organize this mother of a road trip which begins in Billings on Saturday, Sept. 17 and ends in Helena on Monday, Sept. 26. Gil, Marilyn and TIB videographer will be on the road with Ninia Baehr, LGBT Advocacy Coordinator for the ACLU of Montana. A host of events, including public presentations, clergy meetings, conversations with members of the Montana Two Spirit Society and the African American Studies Program at the University of Montana are scheduled. Click here to see detailed schedule for each city.
Click here to find out how you can support the tour. Every dollar counts!!!
Equality and Fairness is every human's right and the lack thereof is every human's “problem to solve." Visit TRUTH in PROGRESS and follow the FAIR is FAIR TOUR on Facebook!