Ask Norman...How Many Teeth . . . ?
Hey Kids!
Do you have a question for Norman the Goldfish—about friends, school, pets, family, life in and outside the fishbowl? Send him a letter!
Poetry Challenge #137- XYZipppppper!
Two Part Question: 1. Did you wear a coat or pants today? 2. How did you clasp the front closed?
If your answer to the second part was “I zipped up!” Then put on your party hat and let’s here it for Elias Howe!* It’s National Zipper Day!
Elias Howe’s first zipper wasn’t called a zipper. When Howe filed his patent in 1851, it was for an “Automatic, Continuous Clothing Closure.” But …Howe never tried to market or sell his invention, so it wasn’t until 42 year later when Whitcomb Judson patented a fastener similar to but not exactly the same called the “Clasp Locker.” Judson debuted his clasp locker at the Chicago World’s Fair in 1893. But… people were too zipped up at that time to fathom doing away with button hooks and laces, so nothing came of it.
Finally, in 1917, a fella who worked at the company Judson founded, Gideon Sundback invented the “Separable Fastener.” Folks like it, but…no one knew quite what to do with it. Apparently, the trouble was all in the name. It wasn’t until 1923 when B. F. Goodrich tried the danged zipper as a boot fastener and coined the name that stuck. Which brings us to our prompt.
Poetry Challenge #137
XYZ: Xamine Your ZZZipppppper!
Back in my school yard days, whenever a friend forgot to zip his or her pants, we’d call out with a helpful XYZ! Let’s begin by doing exactly that. By design a zipper is “two facing-rows of teeth that pull into a single piece by the slider.”
In honor of National Zipper Day let’s choose two different sets of words and link them together—zip them—into a poem.
Begin with two words. But, just as zipping a snug pair of jeans isn’t easy, let’s not make this poem come together too easily. Choose two words that do not seem at all connected. For instance: Tire & Popcorn; Carnival & Pencil; Snow & Tabasco. You get the idea.
Write each word on one side of a paper. Now, BRAINSTORM, list 5 or more words that relate to each of those words.
Weave, link, fasten—ZIP these words together into a one poem. Extra points for physically arranging the poem into a zipper shape on the page.
Set your timer for 7 minutes
Start writing!
Don’t think about it too much; just do it!
Ready! Set! X.Y.Z.
*That zipper isn’t the only thing about those clothes for which we have good ole Elias to thank. He also invented the sewing machine. Without him, instead of a closets & drawers full of clothes to choose from, we might be scrounging around in hand-sewn sacks tied with string—zip it pontificator, stick to the subject!
Cindy Faughnan and I began this 7-Minute Poetry Challenge MORE THAN 4 YEARS ago! (without a miss!!!) We now take turns creating our own prompts to share with you. If you join us in the Challenge, let us know by posting the title, a note, or if you want, the whole poem in the comments.
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Life in the Time of CoVid-Day 30 Lockdown
Saturday, April 25: SA Lockdown Day 30; C&K Quarantine Day 15
We are officially out of quarantine. Two weeks ago, yesterday, we arrived back in US.
Weird how being in Lockdown feels routine, normal sort of . . . in such an abnormal way… We’re all zooming, chatting with folks we never chatted with before, making friends with strangers—connected via shared separation. Or are we connecting because at 6-feet apart it’s safe? There’s a hook…
Worldwide: 2.8 million confirmed CoVid cases; more than 197,000 people have died.
Reminds me of how back in the days when were flew three-across-share-the elbow-rest we’d avoid talking to row mates entire hours-long flights until, in those finite minutes between wheels-down and exodus the plane would erupt in happy houresk chatter while everyone exchanged cheery “where you headed?” “Is this home for you?” “Enjoy your day!” chit-chat. There was a hook…
We’d go to serious lengths to limit conversation. A friend proudly relayed how on Southwest Flights (without unassigned seats), after shimmying into a window seat she’d casually “leave” a crumpled tissue on the seat beside her to dissuade would-be seatmates. Imagine the terror said tissue would strike now? I feigned sleep—including slack jaw and when necessary drool in demand. I wonder now, how I’d act?
It’s a push me-pull you: At the same time we’re ordering designer facemasks—Should Facemasks Be A Fashion Statement?—and signature sanitizer (here’s a recipe—add your own scent), we’re already lamenting the “good-ole days” of crowds & grand gatherings—wondering if we’ll ever get to cram thousands into a stadium—or even hundreds at a wedding again. Will tots of today get to rock shoulder-to-shoulder in a million-lipped hiss of Bu-bu-bu-Benny-and-the-jetssssssssss?
The New York Times recently solicited snippets of readers/viewers pre-pandimic memories and received over 700 submissions from around the world. Here’s the link.
A season or so ago, the New York Times launched a column called Modern Love, featuring personally essays of sweet-meets, etc. which spun into a podcast and then series. If you need some feel-good viewing, click on. Here’s the Modern Love trailer.
And now, capitalizing or sense of time rushing—and standing still—and impermanence the NYT has branched out into flash essays—100 words or less, called—bite-sized snippets in tumultuous times and love stories. If you have one, submit yours here Tiny Love Stories. Or, if, like me, it feels good to know what’s going on “over there” because I’m so over what’s happening “in here,” read on. And here’s the link to more:
Enjoy! Because—Hit it Dionne! What the world needs now is love, sweet love…
Ask Norman...Do You Ever Get Thirsty?
Hey Kids!
Do you have a question for Norman the Goldfish—about friends, school, pets, family, life in and outside the fishbowl? Send him a letter!
Poetry Challenge #136-Happy 50th Earth Day
The first Earth Day was April 22, 1970—fifty years ago! It is now celebrated by millions of people all over the world who care about our planet.
Check out One Square Inch of Silence which was founded on Earth Day in 2005 to find out how you can participate in expanding naturally silent spaces around the globe.
“The concept of Earth Day was established in 1969 at a UNESCO Conference in San Francisco. On March 21, 1970, a sanctioned Proclamation was signed by Secretary General U Thant at the United Nations. On April 22, 1970, U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson founded Earth Day.”—National Day Calendar.
On this day each year—for the past 50 years—people around the world, promote green campaigns to save the Earth.
Poetry Challenge #136
Happy Earth Day
One way to celebrate our world is to write a poem about it. Because haiku is usually written about nature, today is a great day to write one (or two or three).
Haiku usually has three lines with 5 syllables on the first and third line and 7 syllables on the second.
Think about what you most appreciate about Earth on this Earth Day and write a haiku celebrating that trait.
Set your timer for 7 minutes
Start writing!
Don’t think about it too much; just do it!
Share your Earth Day experiences using #EarthDay on Social Media.
Cindy Faughnan and I began this 7-Minute Poetry Challenge MORE THAN 4 YEARS ago! (without a miss!!!) We now take turns creating our own prompts to share with you. If you join us in the Challenge, let us know by posting the title, a note, or if you want, the whole poem in the comments.
Click on Fishbowl link below and sign up to receive email notifications from Kelly's blog (aka The Fishbowl):
Life in the Time of CoVid-Day 25 Lockdown Limbo: Gotta Plan-Gotta Laugh!
Monday, April 20: SA Lockdown Day 25; C&K Quarantine Day 10
ONLY 25 ?????? Who am I to complain?
I know, right? When everyone in the US has been Self-Isolating/Safety-Distancing/ LOCKDOWN for a soooooooooo much longer than that! And WHOO-HOO! The curve in many places—Italy, China, Spain…California, Washington, New York is flattening. We are winning! Right! Right?
In SA, with 3,158 confirmed CoVid cases & 54 deaths they’re calling this Lockdown Limbo. That place of quiet between “Help! We’re gonna die!” and “Help! I’m going broke—let me out of here.”
In Jaws terms we’re in the boat with Sheriff Broady. Jaws has already killed, so we know what it can do; and its knows we’re here, stuck in the middle of the ocean with a dead motor, because it’s seen us and we’ve seen it. Duh…duh-duh… Do we wait? or Do we swim for it?
Or, if you prefer George Clooney over Roy Schneider (and who doesn’t) then we’re still out in the boat, in the middle of the ocean—during The Perfect Storm—drifting between swells.
We still have chance right?
It’s the anticipation that gets us.
It’s maddening not to be doing something…
So, I get why folks are getting restless, protesting—hollering at Governors & health officials “Let me Go!”
What am I doing? Barely visible over the top of my computer screen, conveniently close to the toaster, is a slightly softened stick of salted butter and jar of mixed berry jam… just to the right of that are chocolates (already unbagged and mounded into a tidy pile) I am weighing my options. Toast or candy? Toast or candy? Toast or candy…
And I’m planning. . . No matter what we wish, when officials free us from Lockdown CoVid will not be gone. Yet. There’s no telling when or if—as with polio, small pox, measles, TB—CoVid-19 will be just another bug to vaccinate against—please!
USA: About 755,000 CoVid cases; 40,000 dead. Yesterday was the 1st day since April 2 that the death toll in NY was less than 500.
We have to be vigilant and practical, i.e. Masking and Washing.
Which is why I’m reposting this simple doable grocery-washing procedure video by Dr. Jeffery VanWigen:
And through it all . . . We need to nourish a sense of humor and wonder, so I’m sharing a bit of both.
Wonder—as in wonderful seeing penguins tootling down the streets of Simons Town, SA.
Humor—Bravo! who thinks up these pandemic jokes!
Keep Smiling/keep shining/knowing you can always count on me….for corny songs.
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Life in the Time of CoVid-Day 22 Lockdown: Oldsters-No-Sew/No-Seeums-Prom
Friday, April 17: SA Lockdown Day 22; C&K Quarantine Day 7
Worldwide: More than 2,133 million CoVid-19 cases in 177 countries; at least 143,000 people have died.
7 days since we were evacuated from Cape Town, South Africa. The time has gone so quickly—and so slowly. We still aren’t in our home (we’ve let it to a NYC family with 3 small children), so we are still…just …floating… glug-glug. We aren’t alone, searches for “What Day Is It?” have spiked.
According to Psycologists, it’s a side effect of Lockdown. “The sensation is a result of losing social anchors, chronic stress and anxiety, and drastic changes to normal routines.”
Evidently, the need to know the day is so pernicious Cleveland News Anchor Todd Meany made a game show of it. So if you want to know the date google What Day is it Todd Meany? (If you’re like me, however, it’s forever Monday with Todd—makes me laugh!)
Floating is fine, for a time. But, spring is here. None of the painting, cleaning, sorting and organizing—or even mask sewing others are doing for us. No helping with the grandboys or tailgate visits either (as we are still quarantining.)
We just settled into our second “shelter” since arriving, in the village of Branford, CT. Why Branford? Why Connecticut at all? Why not somewhere warm at least? All I can say is we were not in our right minds when we tumbled off the Ethiopian Airlines into Dulles airport, 4:40 am last Friday morning. The sun was still down and so were our brains. Left with orders from the US Embassy in South Africa, to find our own ways to our “final destinations” and “quarantine” all 250 of us scattered. (How “quarantine” and “see ya later” figure in the same scenario is beyond me.)
News Flash! John Krasinski is Hosting a Virtual Prom for 2020 Seniors Tonight! 8:00pm EST/5:00pm PST. Everyone we’re INVITED!
Folks are getting CRANKY . . .The CoVid climate in the Connecticut/NY is frantic compared to South Africa a week ago—at least that’s I’ve witnessed in my 2 grocery runs. Curtis and I didn’t know there was only 1 person per family allowed in a grocery store until we joined a queue soldiered up outside Big Y Branford World Class Market. The line was about 30 people long, each dutifully spaced, minding their own business—we thought…Dang! You should have seen the glares when we took our place, side by side at the back of the line. We’re we dragging toilet paper—or a infected latex gloves—on our shoes? Did Curtis forget his pants? Somehow, Curtis realized or remembered only one person per family is permitted in a store at one time. I mean really, anyone in the line could see we were a couple—we were swathed in matching no-sew T-shirt masks after all. When the line moved, we dutifully split and each claimed a six-foot apart line. However, judging by the headshakes, that wasn’t good enough either. Those around us already knew we were together, they wanted. One. of. Us. To. Leave. Maybe I’m not versed in CoVid virus, so solve this story problem for me:
If there are 20 people allowed in a grocery store at the same time and two of them are “sheltering in place” in the same house, are chances of them infecting others while in the store greater than > less than < or equal to = the chances of 20 people each “sheltering in place” in different houses contaminating others?
I was still trying to solve the equation when a commotion erupted at the front of the line. A stopped, shriveled ancient man had made a horrendous mistake: he had started to enter the store directly! Who did he think he was? That “the line” didn’t begin until a spot between the row of shopping carts and a post—well out of eyesight of the door—made no difference to the Line Monitor/Sanitizer Squirter or those in line. They shot a round of grumbles at the old guy and ceremoniously booted him to the back of the line. The old guy looked at the line, shook his head and shuffled away. We left, too.
On the drive to the Big Y, we’d passed a quaint, old-fashioned looking groceries with heaps of colorful vegetables visible through the door. It was so picturesque I’d pointed it out as we passed. That a lack of lines was what allowed us to see inside hadn’t gone unnoticed, either. Caron’s Corner didn’t judgey-judge us because we shared a cart! And, while the paper/cleaning supply shelves were mostly bare, there were a few stacks of single-roll toilet papers and two packages of paper towels—one for me and one for the lady who snagged one just before me. I did have to sort of six-foot-away shoulder-checked another woman with a distinctly “Let me at those towels!” look in her eyes to get them. Our register total explained everything about the lack of lines in Caron’s Corner…still, we are provisioned up. I promise to tell you no lies and keep my germs to myself. (Thank you Georgia Satellites! ) & See you at the Prom!
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Poetry Challenge #135-Bird Therapy During this Time of CoVid
Stop! Listen! What’s that Sound? Everybody look what’s flitting round! *
Birds! Hear them? See them? Now, in this time of CoVid-19 mandated Lockdown, with most human-made noises stilled and human activity slowed, Birds are everywhere! (Or were they always everywhere and we were too busy to notice?) I’m noticing now!
There’s something therapeutic about watching birds flutter and flit about, calling to each other—especially now when we humans are trapped in our cages and the birds are free. For today’s post, let’s send our imaginations winging with the birds.
7-Minute Poetry Challenge #135
Bird Song Therapy
Position yourself in a quiet spot with your eyes and ears tuned to the world beyond your window and listen to the birds. What are they singing about? Are they greeting each other? Squabbling? Sharing news of the world—just learning to tweet?
See if you can track the bird songs to a specific bird or clump of birds. If not, close your eyes and imagine yourself amongst the birds.
Write a poem about what you’re seeing—and most especially hearing.
Incorporate the sounds and rhythm of the birds into your poem to make it sing!
Set your timer for 7 minutes
Start writing!
Don’t think about it too much; just do it!
Join Audobon Alaska’s Bird Poetry party. Each week a new bird poem prompt is posted. Try it! Submit it! Submissions will be published. And, what’s more! Each week’s poems are mashed to create a collective poem. #AudubonAlaska
*Stop Children by Buffalo Springfield Utube:
**For more “Bird Therapy in CoVid” click over to Audubon Alaska’s “Birdy Care Package” with glorious photographs, activities—for kid’s too—games & videos—complete with song…& bird poetry! Bird Poetry Corner features a new prompt each week.
Cindy Faughnan and I began this 7-Minute Poetry Challenge MORE THAN 4 YEARS ago! (without a miss!!!) We now take turns creating our own prompts to share with you. If you join us in the Challenge, let us know by posting the title, a note, or if you want, the whole poem in the comments.
Click on Fishbowl link below and sign up to receive email notifications from Kelly's blog (aka The Fishbowl):
Audubon Alaska
Audubon Alaska’s “Bird Therapy in CoVid”:
Audubon Alaska’s Poetry Corner:
*Stop Children by Buffalo Springfield Utube: